Updating firmware
The NetModule Linux system provides a tool to upgrade the firmware of the different modules in the system.
The firmware packages are not available in the reference image but the latest supported firmware versions are part of each software release.
Firmware Location
The firmwares officialy supported by NetModule are available at https://nmrepo.netmodule.com/chbe/fwupdate/
Before upgrading a module, it is recommended to check if it has been properly configured and started. All modules have matching service which is fetching the relevant informations from this module. See module specific examples below to see how to check the service for each type of module.
When the modules are properly configured, the output shows one of the two following lines:
Active: active (running)
Active: active (exited)
Once the device is started, the firmware version can be read under the following path: /run/<module type>/<module>.config
See module specific examples below.
The update tool can fetch the new firmware from the local device or via http from a remote server.
Local firmware
To upgrade using a local firmware, the firmware must be copied to the target first. The following command can then be executed:
nmhw-fwupdate <module> <firmware.tar.gz>
Where <module> is the module name as reported in the “.config” filename under /run/<module type>/<module>.config and <firmware> is the relative or full path to the firmware archive. See module specific examples below.
Remote firmware (HTTP)
If the firmware is available on an HTTP server (reachable from the target), the following command can be used:
nmhw-fwupdate <module> <http link>
Where <module> is the module name as reported in the “.config” filename under /run/<module type>/<module>.config and <http link> is the link to the firmware on the HTTP server. See module specific examples below.
Upgrading a bootloader is a critical step and incompatibilities between a bootloader and the linux version in use may break the system. The upgrade should NOT be done without detailed instructions.
Supported systems
HW21 (u-boot)
HW26 (u-boot)
HW23 (imx-boot)
# Check service status
systemctl status bootloader-config
# Check bootloader type and version
cat /run/bootloader/bootloader0.config
# Update from local firmware
nmhw-fwupdate bootloader0 nmhw21-u-boot-1.2.2.tar.gz
Downgrading a WWAN modem will likely lead to a broken modem
Supported modules
u-blox TOBY-L210
u-blox LARA-L6004
u-blox LARA-L6004D
# Check service status
systemctl status wwan-config@wwan0
# Check wwan0 type and version
cat /run/wwan/wwan0.config
# Update from local firmware
nmhw-fwupdate wwan0 ublox-toby-l210_17.00-A01.01.tar.gz
# Update from remote firmware
nmhw-fwupdate wwan0 https://nmrepo.netmodule.com/chbe/fwupdate/ublox-toby-l210_17.00-A01.01.tar.gz
Supported modules
u-blox NEO-M8L
# Check service status
systemctl status gnss-mgr
# Check gnss0 type and version
cat /run/gnss/gnss0.config
# Update from local firmware
nmhw-fwupdate gnss0 UBX_M8_301_ADR_431_NEO_M8L.tar.gz
# Update from remote firmware
nmhw-fwupdate gnss0 https://nmrepo.netmodule.com/chbe/fwupdate/UBX_M8_301_ADR_431_NEO_M8L.tar.gz
Creating Bootloader Update Package
Make sure you have the following binaries available:
The bootloader images:
for am335x devices:
for imx8 devices:
the flasher and helper binaries, which you can extract from a previously gotten bootloader update package otherwise call your NetModule Contact
for am335x devices:
for imx8 devices:
Create the Package
The update package is a simple gzipped tarball of the following content:
for am335x devices:
e.g. for a HW24 . ├── checksums ├── check_uboot_header.sh ├── flasher-netbird ├── info ├── spl-u-boot-am335x-nmhw24.img └── u-boot-am335x-nmhw24.img
for imx8 devices:
. ├── checksums ├── flasher-net64 ├── img │ └── imx-boot └── info
Follow the steps below and use the binaries as described before and you will get your own update package:
create a directory, e.g.
copy the bootloader and flasher binaries into this directory
NOTE: For imx8 devices the bootloader binary goes into a sub-directory named
create the checkum file
with the following syntax:for am335x devices:
<md5-sum> <spl-image-name> <md5-sum> <u-boot-image-name>
for imx8 devices:
<md5-sum> img/<bootloader-image-name>
create an information file
with the following content, whereas thecompatible
string uses the HW numbers as defined as follows:until HW20:
example for HW20:
after HW20 to HW24:
example for HW24:
after HW24:
example for HW26:
version: <version> type: bootloader family: bootloader compatible: <hw-compatible-string>
for a HW24 with version 1.3.0 you will have this version file:
version: 1.3.0 type: bootloader family: bootloader compatible: nmhw24
create the package of the entire content
pack the content using tar:
tar czf <package-name>.tar.gz -C fw-pkg .
example for HW24 and version 1.3.0:
tar czf hw24-bootloader-1.3.0.tar.gz -C fw-pkg .