Automatic Partitioning

When you flashed a “.wic”-file your system will only have one partition with almost no space. To make the filesystem usable, we provide an auto-partitioning tool called nmhw-auto-part.

Usage [OPTION] 'devicename' 'size' 'mode' 'size'



device to use: e.g. /dev/sdb /dev/mmcblk1


size of the first partition in MB (set 0 to keep current size)


‘data’ or ‘overlay’; type of partition to append


size of the appended partition in MB (set to 0 to fill)


-i interactive mode
-h help

You can either pass the four arguments ‘devicename’, ‘size’, ‘mode’ and ‘size’ or one option.


nmhw-auto-part /dev/mmcblk1 1024 overlay 0

The same as running the recommended settings.

How to undo the partitioning

  1. Delete Partition information

rm -r /etc/nmhw-auto-part
parted /dev/mmcblk1 rm 2
  1. Rerun the autopartition script.

Note: The first partition will keep its size.

Files in /etc


This is an empty file. It indicates to the init script that it needs to mount an overlay.


This file contains the path of the device, which serves as the data partition. It indicates to the init script that it needs to mount the data partition.